Sunday, October 14, 2012

Major Site Update

Hey there, it’s Zackie, the admin and writer for this website that you might know as “Hell Yeah! Electronika”. Unfortunately (or luckily?) I had to change the name to a more appropriate and catchy name. So, from now on, this site will be known as “LA PAVLOVA”.

And no, it won’t be a blog for a bakery shop, even though it could be in the future. Haha! I recently graduated from university and now awaiting for my application to degree in artistic writing. I am getting serious with this blogging business because I need something good in my resume. So I hope all of you could be my loyal readers and help me achieve my dreams of becoming a successful and well-known writer.

This site will still deliver the same facts and news on films, TV shows, music, books, celebrities and such. The only difference is the name and the whole brand new layout. I hope it won’t be such a nuisance to you, for me to keep on changing everything.

Until next time, readers! Rolling on the floor laughing


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